Connective Tissue Disease-Interstitial Lung Disease (CTD-ILD)


Lung Illustration, X-ray

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for CTD-ILD care?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们的团队擅长治疗结缔组织疾病(CTD)导致的间质性肺病(ILD)患者。. CTDs affect the tissues that connect structures in your body. 它们会引起肺部炎症和疤痕,也被称为肺纤维化或肺纤维化. When you come to us, you can expect:

Specialized care: 您将受益于在治疗结缔组织病相关间质性肺病(CTD-ILD)方面拥有丰富经验的专家。. 这种高水平的专业护理意味着你可以得到精确的诊断和更有效的治疗.

Team of experts: Our team includes pulmonologists, rheumatologists, 放射科医生, pathologists and respiratory therapists, all dedicated to improving your well-being. 我们还与专门从事肺动脉高压和胃肠病学的医生密切合作,提供最全面的护理.

Custom treatment plans: 每周,医生和团队成员会面,回顾每位患者的病例,并讨论他们的护理计划. 这种团队合作和沟通确保您从一系列专家那里得到最好的护理. 我们利用我们的集体专业知识来制定全面的、量身定制的计划.

Convenience and excellence: We make it as easy as possible for you to get exceptional care. To make care more convenient, we arrange for you to see several specialists, including pulmonologists and rheumatologists, on the same day. Your coordinator works with you to schedule several tests during one visit.

Access to clinical trials: Our team is always researching new ways to enhance your health. If you’re eligible, 您可以参加临床试验,帮助我们更好地了解CTD-ILD,并使治疗更有效.

Our CTD-ILD services

作为CTD-ILD的领导者,我们提供无与伦比的护理和最新的治疗方法. You can expect specialized care from an experienced team dedicated to you. 我们提供:

Tailored CTD-ILD treatments

The severity of interstitial lung disease varies from person to person, so we develop customized treatment plans for your needs. 取决于结缔组织疾病的类型和肺部炎症和损伤的程度, you may need several treatments.

Interstitial lung disease support

我们知道肺部疾病在情感和身体上都是具有挑战性的. 这就是为什么我们提供患者教育和支持服务,使您能够管理自己的健康.

当你处理慢性病时,支持小组对你和你的家庭成员来说是一个宝贵的资源. 许多人通过与他人分享他们的经历而获得安慰和知识. 我们还提供免费研讨会,提供实用信息和健康生活小贴士.

是什么 connective tissue disease-interstitial lung disease (CTD-ILD)?

间质性肺病包括200多种导致肺部瘢痕形成的疾病. 的疤痕, called pulmonary fibrosis or lung fibrosis, 会使你全身的器官和组织难以获得足够的氧气吗. 由结缔组织疾病引起的间质性肺病被称为CTD-ILD.

There are many types of connective tissue diseases (CTD). 这些疾病会导致连接身体结构的组织出现问题, such as the skin, 软骨, 韧带, 肌腱, bones and blood vessels. Connective tissues become inflamed (irritated or swollen), causing damage all over the body, including the lungs.

Many CTDs are autoimmune diseases, 当身体的免疫系统错误地攻击身体的健康组织时会发生什么. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们专门帮助那些因CTDs而导致肺损伤和疤痕的人,比如:

  • Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis or SSc), 引起皮肤和内脏发炎和纤维化(疤痕)的一种状况
  • Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE), 一种引起不同器官发炎和一系列症状的疾病
  • 多肌炎, 一种导致肌肉发炎并随着时间的推移导致肌肉分解的疾病
  • Rheumatoid arthritis这是一种最常见的CTD类型,会引起关节炎症和疼痛
  • Sjogren’s syndrome, 一种引起眼睛和口干的疾病,通常与其他自身免疫性疾病一起发展
  • Mixed connective tissue disease, 一种使患者同时出现不同自身免疫性疾病症状的情况

What are the symptoms of interstitial lung disease (ILD)?

Most types of interstitial lung disease are chronic (long-lasting). Symptoms include:

  • Chest discomfort
  • Cough that may or may not produce mucus (phlegm)
  • Extreme tiredness (fatigue) and weakness
  • Labored breathing, which may be fast and shallow
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Shortness of breath, especially with activity

CTD-ILD treatments we offer

通过关注与ctd相关的肺部疾病,我们可以开发出更有效的治疗方法. 我们的肺病专家与风湿病专家和其他专家密切合作,帮助您管理ILD和CTD.

Lung inflammation and scarring vary from person to person. 我们的专家与您合作设计定制的治疗方案,其中可能包括:


药物 are an important part of a comprehensive care plan for ILD. Several medications can reduce inflammation, slow down the rate of lung scarring or suppress the immune system. 我们会为您推荐合适的药物,并根据您的需求进行调整.

To ensure coordinated care, 您的肺科医生和风湿病医生与您的整个CTD护理团队密切合作. 我们帮助您管理ILD和CTD的药物,以最大限度地提高您的健康.

肺 rehabilitation

经验丰富的呼吸治疗师提供全方位的康复服务,专注于您健康的各个方面. 我们创建一个个性化的计划,以增加您的肺功能,使呼吸更有效. We also offer multiple oxygen therapy options.

量身定制的健身计划可以提高你的耐力,帮助你变得更活跃. 注册营养师提供营养指导和实用技巧,以最大限度地提高你的健康和生活质量. We consider many factors when creating these plans, including other health conditions, symptoms and goals.

Lung transplantation

Some people with ILD need a lung transplant. If your physician recommends this option, 你可以放心,我们的肺移植手术是全国最好的之一. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的肺移植外科医生处于新技术的前沿,这些新技术使这些手术比以往任何时候都更有效、更安全. Learn more about the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Lung Transplant Program.


我们的优秀团队包括肺病学家和风湿病学家,他们有治疗结缔组织疾病导致的肺损伤的经验. We work closely with experts in pulmonary hypertension, gastroenterology and other fields to deliver seamless care.

肺学, Critical Care Medicine
Critical Care Medicine, 肺学
肺学, Critical Care Medicine
Critical Care Medicine, 肺学
Interventional 肺学, 肺学
Critical Care Medicine, 肺学
Critical Care Medicine, 肺学
Critical Care Medicine, 肺学
Interstitial Lung Disease


Diagnostic 放射学
Interventional 放射学, Diagnostic 放射学
Diagnostic 放射学
Grace Hyun Kim, PhD
Grace Hyun Kim, PhD


Gregory Fishbein
Gregory Fishbein


Jennifer Perez, LVN Clinical Research Nurse
Jennifer Perez, LVN
Office: 310-825-5800, [email protected]


我们使用综合方法和个性化护理计划治疗CTD-ILD. 请致电 310-825-5800 to connect with an expert.


我们使用综合方法和个性化护理计划治疗CTD-ILD. 请致电 310-825-5800 to connect with an expert.