
Our skilled experts use the latest technologies and treatments to optimize patient care.


Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for gastrointestinal (GI) motility care?

GI motility is the muscle movement of the digestive system. 它把你吃的东西沿着胃肠道移动. Abnormal GI motility can affect the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon or anus. It can lead to symptoms that include difficulty swallowing, the sensation of food sticking in the chest or throat, 胸部疼痛, 胃灼热, 恶心想吐, 呕吐, 腹胀, 抽筋, 腹部疼痛, 便秘和腹泻. 我们课程的亮点包括:

专门的运动专家团队: The program brings together experts in the scientific, 临床, psychological and nutritional aspects of motility disorders. We take a team approach to optimize and individualize the care of each patient.

进行性疾病的协同护理: 我们与风湿病学和肺部医学专家合作,治疗硬皮病(一种结缔组织疾病)患者。. 我们也和外科医生合作, 语言病理学家和耳鼻喉科医生治疗吞咽障碍(吞咽困难).

综合消化健康和保健: In addition to the gastroenterologist who manages your care, other team members include GI dietitians with special expertise in digestive health and a GI nurse practitioner with expertise in the brain-gut axis and mind-body approaches. 你还会得到GI健康心理学家的护理,他擅长使用经过验证的心理策略来减轻症状.

最新技术: 我们使用最新的技术、工具和疗法来正确诊断和治疗患者. Our experts are at the forefront of leading-edge treatments that improve GI health.


As leaders in GI motility, we deliver accurate diagnoses and comprehensive treatments. 我们的服务包括:


我们的专家通过收集全面的病史和体格检查来诊断胃肠道运动障碍. As part of the evaluation, your physician may order additional testing. Our comprehensive assessments enable us to deliver the most effective therapies for you.


We use the latest technology to diagnose GI motility disorders. 我们的诊断测试包括:

测压法: 高分辨率测压仪使用薄层, 带有压力传感器的柔性导管,用于评估食道或肛门括约肌的工作情况.

胃镜检查: 我们看一下你的食道, stomach and upper part of the small intestine using a long, 末端有灯和照相机的柔性管.

钢丝食管pH值检测: 该测试使用导线探针(导管)来测量从胃进入食道的酸的量.

无线pH值测试(Bravo™): 一个无线胶囊附着在食道内壁上,用来测量胃酸反流到食道的情况.

阻抗平面测量(EndoFLIP™): 将球囊导管置入食道,测量食道壁伸展的容易程度.


We work with you to create a tailored treatment plan. 是否需要治疗和治疗, 包括药物治疗, 生物反馈, 营养指导, 放松技巧, 微创内镜手术, 或手术, 我是专家.


Our gastroenterologists treat the full spectrum of GI motility disorders. Motility disorders can affect any part of the GI tract, making it difficult for food to move through the body. 这些疾病的症状包括吞咽困难或感觉食物卡在喉咙或胸部. They can also cause 恶心想吐, 呕吐, 抽筋, 便秘和腹泻. 我们的专长是:

失弛缓性: The esophagus fails to move swallowed food and liquid to the stomach. It can feel like food is getting stuck, causing severe 胸部疼痛 and/or regurgitation.

Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): 由于食管下括约肌无力,食物和/或胃酸流回食道. 症状包括胃灼热或反流.

便秘: Generally defined as fewer than three bowel movements per week, it can lead to hard lumpy stool or difficulty passing stool.

食管痉挛: 食道不协调的收缩使食物和液体难以进入胃. It can feel like food is getting stuck, causing severe 胸部疼痛 and/or regurgitation.

大便失禁: The inability to control bowel movements leading to leakage of stool from the bowels.

胃轻瘫: This disorder causes the stomach to empty more slowly than it should. 在某些情况下,胃可能根本不空. 这种情况是由胃部肌肉收缩无力或不协调引起的,可能与糖尿病一起发生. 症状包括恶心, 呕吐, a sensation of fullness after eating a small amount and 腹部疼痛 or 腹胀.

硬皮病的胃肠道并发症: Scleroderma is a progressive disease that affects the connective tissues and organs. 结缔组织包括骨骼, cartilage and fats that protect and support your organs and other tissues in your body. Scleroderma complications can include difficulty swallowing, 大便失禁, 便秘和腹泻.

手提钻食道: This disorder causes the esophagus to contract (tighten) with too much force. 症状包括一种食物卡在胸骨下的感觉,或者像心脏病发作一样的胸痛.

泽克的憩室: 这是咽(鼻子和嘴后面的空间)与食道连接的区域的突出(凸起). 它可以长得足够大来捕捉食物. 当这种情况发生时, it can lead to symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, 咳嗽, 口臭和窒息.


您的个体化治疗计划可能包括多种治疗方法,包括药物治疗, 内镜手术, 整体护理和手术干预. 我们提供:


一些运动障碍对药物反应良好. Your physician may discuss options such as antibiotics, promotility代理, 酸抑制和抗抑郁药.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 interventional endoscopists are nationally renowned. 我们的专家在微创内镜手术方面非常熟练,比传统手术需要更短的恢复时间. 这些程序包括:

狭窄的扩张: A stricture is a narrowing in the GI tract that may cause symptoms of blockage. 在内窥镜检查过程中,使用专门的气球或其他设备逐渐拉伸狭窄的区域.

内镜超声(EUS): EUS将传统的内镜检查与超声成像相结合,以显示从食道到直肠的胃肠道壁内的结构.

肠内/肠道支架: Enteral stents are used to restore and maintain patency of the GI tract. 它们是塑料或金属纤维,排列在管状网中,有可移动的或永久的品种.

小肠镜: Enteroscopy is the endoscopic evaluation of the small bowel using specialized endoscopes. 传统的内窥镜和结肠镜只能评估有限长度的胃肠道的开始和结束. 深度肠镜检查(单球囊或双球囊肠镜检查)使用专门的设备在小肠内进行导航.

经口胃内窥镜切肌术(G-POEM): 这种微创性, 内窥镜手术通过在胃末端的幽门肌上开一个切口来治疗胃轻瘫.

经口内窥镜肌切开术(POEM): 这种微创性, 内镜手术通过永久释放食管和胃之间的紧绷肌肉来治疗贲门失弛缓症.

经口无切口植底术: 这种微创性, endoscopic procedure is used to treat acid reflux/GERD. 这个过程有助于恢复食道和胃之间的抗反流“阀门”,使其恢复到更自然的状态. It improves symptoms and reduces or eliminates the need for anti-reflux medications.

Zenker憩室中隔切开术: 外科医生使用一种专门的工具来缓解与Zenker憩室相关的吞咽困难.


We use an integrated holistic approach that may include brain-gut behavior therapy, dietary and lifestyle changes and complementary therapies. Your individual treatment plan focuses on your symptoms, goals and overall health. 我们提供广泛的治疗,包括:

肛门直肠的生物反馈: 我们用这种疗法来治疗大便失禁或排便失调(排便困难)。. Your doctor places a balloon catheter in the anal canal. 导管连接到一个监视器上,提供你如何使用肛门直肠肌肉的实时反馈.

GI健康心理学: 我们的GI健康心理学家专门使用影响脑-肠连接的行为治疗来减轻症状的严重程度并提高生活质量. Treatments can include acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), 生物反馈, 认知行为疗法(CBT), 应对支持和医疗催眠.

正念的干预措施: These techniques teach you to be aware of the relationship between physical sensations, 思维模式和情绪. We work with you to acknowledge your symptoms and learn skills to respond to them, 从而更好地控制症状和压力.

营养咨询: 医生和专门的胃肠道营养师一起工作,根据你的症状提供量身定制的计划, 生活方式和目标. 我们还提供营养教育,帮助您了解饮食如何影响您的胃肠道症状,以改善您的整体健康.

放松训练: These techniques reduce stress and tension in the mind and body, 平衡神经系统,提高幸福感.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 GI surgeons are skilled in sophisticated surgical procedures. We have experience with state-of-the-art techniques, including:

Fundoplication: 该手术通过在食道周围包裹和缝合胃的一部分来治疗胃酸反流/反流. 这一过程加强了两者之间的连接,防止胃内容物反流到食道.

食管/海勒肌切开术: 这种方法治疗贲门失弛缓症. The surgeon cuts the affected muscle of the esophagus. 这项技术可以使食物和液体更好地从食道进入胃.

LINX®: 这种微创性 procedure treats acid reflux/GERD. 一个由钛珠组成的有弹性的带,其中包含一个磁芯,被放置在食管的下部. This creates a valve between the esophagus and the stomach. The band loosens up to allow food passage into the stomach, but it does not permit the contents of the stomach from backing up into the esophagus.

泽克diverticulotomy: This surgical procedure removes Zenker’s diverticulum. 外科医生可以通过颈部的切口或通过口腔插入的内窥镜来进行手术.


Our dedicated team provides outstanding patient-centered care. Our care and treatments are grounded in the latest knowledge about GI motility disorders, 脑肠连接和改善病人健康和生活质量的策略.


正确的诊断和治疗胃肠道运动障碍可以显著改善你的健康和生活质量. 呼叫 310-825-2631 与专家联系.


正确的诊断和治疗胃肠道运动障碍可以显著改善你的健康和生活质量. 呼叫 310-825-2631 与专家联系.